Swaddle Up - The Ideal Sleeping Accessory for Baby
The Swaddle Up Original does not place any pressure on your baby’s hips and helps develop a comfortable sleeping position, compared to transitional swaddling.
By using this product, you can help your baby learn to self-soothe, which can create a better sleeping environment for the whole family.
The material is snug but not too tight, and there are no loose internal layers that could startle or disturb your baby as they sleep. Because the material is only a single layer, you won’t have to worry about your baby overheating.

Improved Hip Health
The unique hip-healthy design gives your baby the ideal sleeping position and helps develop a positive posture. Compared to traditional swaddling, this does not put much pressure on the hips of the baby, making them uncomfortable.
The twin zip is an excellent feature for those nappy changes in the middle of the night. This will help shorten the changing time and let parents sleep better.

Patented Wing Design
The Swaddle Up Original has incorporated unique patented wings which allow for a more natural arms up position, as opposed to the traditional straightjacket-like swaddles.
When your baby is able to soothe themselves by bringing their arms up close to their face, it results in more sleep for the whole family.

Twin Zip for Easy Nappy Changes
The twin zip is an excellent feature for those middle-of-the-night nappy changes, or for when you need to quickly get in and out of the suit. This will help to reduce the amount of time spent changing nappies, and as a result, help parents to get a better night’s sleep.
Rachel –
my baby absolutely loves this swaddle, so much so we bought two so there is always one on hand for night time! Soft material and stretchy. Also helps if your little one takes a dummy to soothe as their hands are up by their face, helping the dummy to stay in place if it starts to fall out (doesn’t restrict, the dummy can still fall out)
Eva –
This is the perfect swaddle for babies who won’t keep their arms down. My 6 week old has been breaking out of other swaddles since almost birth. I have used the blankets from the hospital, muslin blankets, halo swaddle, and more. None of those allowed my son to keep his arms up, where he wanted. This keeps the startle reflex from waking him. The abdomen area is very very snug- providing the compression of a swaddle. Worth the money, for sure. Take note- you are supposed to wash after each wearing, so you should buy 2 for rotation.